Licorice orange smoothie

Healthy does not = boring. That is what data entry is.

With the boom of the restaurant and café culture we are so tantalised by new flavours and exotic foods that it
makes us think that healthy food is the stuff that rabbits live on. It's as if for some reason (according to the majority that are not enlightened) that real food high as a kite on nutrients cannot be crazy, exciting, flavoursome and creative. Um, wrong.

Licorice orange smoothie

What you need

  • ½ orange
  • 1 handful of spinach
  • 1 handful of mint
  • 1 cup of licorice tea
  • ½ cup of coconut milk
  • pinch of Himalayan sea salt
  • a few ice blocks

What you do with it

  1. Brew one cup of licorice tea (I used 2 bags, but I could have used 1) then place in the fridge to cool down.
  2. Once cool, place in a blender with the rest of ingredients for a Harvey Wallbanger take on a smoothie!
