Why should you eat one of these?
If you are pregnant, prunes will help boost your iron stores
which aids in your babies brain development and provides your child with their iron
for the 1st 6 months of life. Also if you are into working out then
the iron in prunes can help enhance the flow of oxygen to your
muscles making you an energy boss!
If you are constipated lately then pop one of these in your
belly and let the high concentration of fibre in prunes do it’s job by moving water
through your system and clearing out the pipes. The fibre will also keep you
feeling fuller for longer than the muesli bar!
Watching your sugar intake? Prunes used to make these
balls have half the amount of sugar than dates do, which are often used in raw
ball recipes.
Blood type O? Prunes and prune juice are super beneficial for us!!!
- ¾ cup of coconut (plus extra for coating)
- 2/3 cup prunes
- 1/3 cup cacao
- 2 tbs coconut oil
- 2 tbs tahini
- 1 tbs LSA (or flaxmeal)
- 1 tsp fresh grated ginger
- 1 tsp vanilla
- Pinch of salt
- 1 tsp cinnamon
- Squeeze of lemon

- Place prunes in a blender or food processor and add enough warm water to cover and let sit for 10 minutes
- Pour out half of the water and squeeze in lemon and process until you have a smooth paste
- Add in all ingredients and blend just enough for the mix to be combined but not pureed.
- Let mix sit in the fridge for 5 minutes before rolling into balls and tossing into coconut.
- Place in the freezer for 15 minutes before serving.
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